Sidha Soma Super Nasya Oil
If you struggle with excess mucus, post-nasal drip or allergies, this is the oil for you!
If you struggle with excess mucus, post-nasal drip or allergies, this is the oil for you!
If you struggle with excess mucus, post-nasal drip or allergies, this is the oil for you!
Ah, Super Nasya, how do we love thee? You open up our nasal passages for increased oxygenation. You smell like a dream of eucalyptus, sandalwood and rose. And you never fail to leave us better off than we were before we used you. If you struggle with excess mucus, post-nasal drip or allergies, this is the oil for you! Once you try Nasya Oil, you will never go back to a life without it.
Ingredients: Refined sesame oil, sunflower oil, essential oils of eucalyptus, sandalwood, camphor and rose.
Directions for use: Place 3-5 drops in each nostril, 1-2 times a day. Shake well before using and store upright, out of the sun.