
Ongoing monthly mentorship for certified yoga teachers

Monthly Group Meeting

Join your cohort for a monthly workshop focused on asana, pranayama, and principles of teaching

1:1 Coaching

Individual support to address the challenges and obstacles to awakening your true teacher within

Creative Self Study

Reading, writing, coloring and more self-study assignments to develop your teacher identity

Monthly Group Meeting

Saturdays, 1:30-5PM, Nashville TN

Our monthly group meetings will focus on asana and pranayama, while covering additional specialty topics and Principles of Teaching.

  • April 12 (this date only is 2:30-6PM) 

    May 10

    June 7

    July OFF

    Aug 23

    Sept 20

    Oct 18

    Nov OFF

    Dec OFF

    • Asana for Ayurvedic Doshas

    • Restorative Yoga

    • Yoga for Menses and Menopause

    • Working with Injuries

    • Chair Yoga

    • Ayurvedic Anatomy

    1. 200 or 300 Hour Yoga teacher training certification

    2. Open mind

    3. Generous spirit

1:1 Coaching

If you think teaching yoga is difficult, if it challenges your ego and humility, if you feel equally thrilled and terrified…congratulations! You’re doing it right.

AND that doesn’t mean you have to go it alone. In your 1:1 coaching sessions, we’ll address any challenges or obstacles and take on self-study exercises to help you awaken the teacher within.

Creative exercises and reading

Using a few primary texts, we’ll explore the ongoing process of being a yoga teacher together.

Meet Leah

Leah’s yoga study began as a freshman at UCLA in a damp room amongst the eucalyptus trees. Honestly, it didn’t make much of an impression.

Years later, to deal with the stress of working in the morally corrupt entertainment industry, she started attending classes at YogaWorks on Montana Street in L.A. She cried on her mat multiple times per week until she realized she should quit her job and do a 200 Hour YTT. Which is what she did!

After that, she moved to NYC and completed her 300 Hour YTT (also with YogaWorks). By that point, she had found her lineage and devoted herself to studying Iyengar yoga.

Her grounded approach to teaching combines the Eight Limbs of Astanga Yoga with practical applications and an emphasis on coming home to your body, just as it is, in this moment.

  • Founder, Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist, Yoga Teacher Trainer & Instructor

    YogaWorks - Santa Monica, CA & New York City

    500 Hour Teacher Training, 2010 & 2012

    Teachers: Jenny Aurthur, Carrie Owerko, Jillian Pransky

    Post-Certification Yoga Training - Aretha McKinney, Carrie Owerko, Matt Phippen, Tony Briggs

    Leah has taught at…

    YogaWorks, NuPower Yoga & Barre, a hotel patio in Sonoma, CA, a rehab center, via Zoom, privately from her office, and many, many other small studios around the country.

    California College of Ayurveda, Nevada City, CA - Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist

    Northwestern University, Evanston, IL - Bachelor’s of Science, summa cum laude

What’s included

    • April through October

    • July OFF for summer fun times

    • One 3.5 hour meeting per month at a yoga studio in Nashville, TN

    • One 45 minute coaching session once per month

    • April through October

    • July OFF for summer fun times

    • Virtual or in-person (extra fee may apply for in-person)

  • You will have the opportunity to assist Leah at her public classes. This is not a guarantee, but an option.

  • Our community of teachers will lift each other up, learn and teach each other, and have a ton of FUN together.

“I think there is more than the body, but the body is all you can get your hands on.” - Ida Rolf